i'm getting old. seriously.
allow me to present my case.
in the last two days i have done/said/thought multiple things that i feel typically reside w/ the elderly population. it started yesterday with a not-at-all graceful fall. and by fall, i mean that i ended up in the splits. i haven't done the splits in 23 years. and now i have a purple kneecap and a sore toe. i may have broken a hip.
start watching for good deals on wheelchairs for me on craigslist...
today i remarked that a teenager's dress was "way too short". i did love her shoes, but then remembered that i had chosen comfortable, sensible footwear for the day. i actually tried on a cuter pair with my outfit. and then consciously chose the ones that wouldn't cause me to limp at the end of the day.
get my tapioca pudding ready...
i was hungry for dinner at 4:30pm. this never happens. unless you're old, of course. which i am. i ate casseroles at a baptist church at 4:30pm. i got home at 7 and wanted to go to bed. but i have heartburn, so instead i watched a piano concert on PBS. and i liked it.
someone buy me a life-alert bracelet...
what is happening to me?! i've always been a little older in spirit than other people my age...i say i'm an "old soul". i love antiques. i read books printed on paper. i send snail mail. i own "vintage" clothing. i shop at goodwill.
so there you have it, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. i completely skipped middle age. 35 is the new elderly.