"I don't need to see everything...just more of You"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

what time is it??

when i was a kid, my parents made me listen to a lot of silly, fun, kid songs (ok, fine, they didn't make me... i loved them...). one of my favorites that seems to keep popping up in my adult life is about time...
here's a little excerpt (with motion instructions).  i apologize only that you can't hear me singing it at the top of my lungs and see me do the motions that go along with it):

don't let your face be seven twenty-five (point your hands down in angles at your sides)
looking like a frown (make a frowny face-duh)
let it shine like ten after ten (big smile here folks, put your hands by your face with your fingers spread wide, like they are happy too; it's also nice to sway side to side when you are singing this part)
like a great big happy clown (keep smiling...)
let it be ten ten!! (you have to jump when you say "ten ten" with a huge smile and arms up high and out at an angle, like a "Y" if you were doing the "YMCA" dance)

unfortunately (or fortunately, if you are one of the lucky few who have to listen to me sing this occasionally), i don't remember the rest of it...which makes me a little 7:25ish...
for those of you who are still confused, go get a clock with actual hands. when the hands are at 7:25, it makes the mouth of a frowny face. 10:10 = a happy face. get it???!!!   i love it!!!!

the best part is that i sent my dad a picture of a clock at 10:10 today and he replied with "don't let your face be 7:25".

being a kid was great. funny songs teach good lessons sometimes. so keep smiling.... let it be 10:10!!!


  1. I am going to now have to put in a request to hear AND see this song... Adam

  2. I used to hear this song every year at Camp Chatauqua in Ohio by a married couple duet. I wish I could remember the whole song because it still pops up in my head too!
