some of you know this story, but i feel compelled to share it with the world (plus, it gives me an excuse to post this picture...which i find to be hilarious!). we have a laundry problem at our house. we have plenty of clothes, but we can't seem to keep up with the washing, drying, folding, and hanging. it seems simple enough...after all, there are only two of us. but alas, simple continues to elude us in this department. when we moved into our home a little over a year ago, we brought with us a large amount of unwashed laundry (i won't say "dirty laundry"...that just invites you to judge me...). since we have a couple of guest rooms we don't use that often, the ever-growing pile was placed in one of them, the door closed, and brave souls only ventured in when there was a particular item we could no longer live without. this went on for some time until recently, when we decided enough was enough. now, let me pause for a moment and caution you: what i am about to tell you has happened to us before. twice. but i swear...this is the LAST time....
so where was i? oh yes, enough was enough. we took an otherwise boring tuesday and turned it into something fantastic. you guessed it...we went to the laundromat. ten bucks to the person who guesses how many loads of laundry we did that day. i'll give you a hint...it cost us forty bucks! that's right...sixteen loads of laundry.
take a moment here, pick up your jaw, stop laughing. i'm serious. the entire wall of dryers was going with nothing but our clothes for a good hour. i imagine we single-handedly funded that laundromat for the rest of the year. in any case...we whipped that pile of clothes into shape. we found clothes we didn't know we had. it was like christmas!
and they say money can't buy happiness...
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