what a day! one might think that since i do not have children, i wouldn't have to deal with the tummy troubles that typically come with that territory. one would be wrong.
my oldest boy, the hubs, has been having some stomach difficulties for a while. he had a minor procedure today that turned out just fine, but scared the heck out of me. you see, while the doctor was taking a looky-look, he gave old jeremy some sleepy medicine...jeremy liked the sleepy medicine so much he decided he didn't really want to wake up. a typical thirty minute recovery took about an hour and a half. once he was feeling fine, we rolled down to the parking garage, and he promptly became as white as a ghost and we had to go back upstairs. we hung out in recovery for another thirty minutes while his blood pressure returned to normal and he remembered how to breathe and sleep at the same time. a good time was had by all.
the upside to all that time in recovery? he sleepily thanked me for cleaning the house while he pointed out the beautiful fountain in the middle of the room...you gotta love the drugs...
once i got him home, he had a little to eat and took a nice long nap. in the meantime, i realized our dogs hadn't eaten in two days (we were out of dog food), so i ran to the store to get some food. the place we buy their specialty food at (they are high-maintenance, you know...) was closed, so i had to pick a cheap alternative. in retrospect, i should have let them go hungry. apparently, changing foods on them isn't a good idea. once i got jeremy all tucked in and both dogs ate, the fun really started. tucker and i have been outside to puke three different times and he has puked inside five times. fortunately, i have managed to keep him off the carpet, but now he is resting pitifully beside his father, who is equally pitiful and still nauseous. little tucker screams (yes...dogs can scream) every time he pukes. it's kind of awful.
not one to be left out and since jeremy and tucker are resting comfortably, rookie has now started crying. he pushes into my lap, looks at me with those big black eyes, and cries. we have been outside twice for false alarms, but i am sure there is more fun to be had. this night may never end. here's my question...when do i get to cry?
oh poor pups (and JRomy)=( Next time you can't get their specialty food, give them a little boiled chicken and rice. Those are usually staple foods in my kitchen. They should not have any up-chuckage with that.