we're this close (insert mental image of two fingers held very close together)! we have all but one little piece of paper filled out of our adoption forms, i have to get a physical, and then we'll be done with phase one of adoptionextravaganza! i feel like it has taken us a long time to get it all together, but we have taken our time and done things at a pace that was necessary for us emotionally. it feels good to be so nearly done but it's also a little scary. once we complete these last two steps, we will have three interviews and a home visit before we will officially be on "the list".
we are working on the nursery-to-be little-by-little. jeremy put the crib together a few days ago (and checked to make sure the part that holds the mattress was level...in fourteen different places...he's so stinkin' cute), i have started painting (it's "wet pavement" gray...trust me, it's going to be great), and my mom is coming in a couple of days to help me with a project or two. we're trying to do enough to feel like we are doing enough without going nuts and getting our hopes up too high.
this is all such a roller-coaster ride of emotions. some days i am so sad, some days i am excited, some days i am terrified, and some days i am just blah. i prefer a bit more consistency in my life, but that's apparently not in the works just yet.
trust, trust, trust...i am trying, Lord. thank You for the blessings, the light that chases away the dark long enough to catch my breath. thank You for hugs, allen wrenches, moms who say yes, friends and family who text just because, a husband who understands, dads that stop by, in-laws who ask and are patient, and "i love you". i am so blessed and i know there is a plan. we'll get there, wherever "there" is.
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