"I don't need to see everything...just more of You"

Thursday, October 4, 2012


i know, i know...they grow up quickly. but this quickly?? i can hardly believe it. i feel like we just brought little brooks home from the hospital yesterday. we blinked, and now we're helping him shovel little chunks of chicken into his mouth (small enough not to choke on...don't worry, gigi) and clearing paths for him to practice his crawling/breakdancing (he lays on his thighs with his tummy off the ground and spins around and around with his hands...it's kind of a combination of the two). he has four teeth, pulls himself to a standing position, says "dada" and "momma" (it's more like mamamamama, but i'll take it...). tomorrow he'll be applying for jobs and getting married.

i pray every day that God would give us more time...more memories. and that He would help me to remember it all. i want to remember the things that make him laugh (daddy shaking his hat and saying "wacka!", peek-a-boo, elmo, "woo!"). i want to remember the times when he snuggles up close and just watches me with those big beautiful brown eyes. i don't want to forget his face covered in food, his hands grabbing at everything, the sound of his cries stopping the instant he's in my arms. i want to remember reading books, playing in flour, splashing in the bath tub, banging pots and pans. rocking and singing lullabies...falling asleep together...the way his face lights up when daddy comes home.

there's just so much. we can only cram so much into a day, and i don't want to take any of it for granted. i am so thankful for my times with him, for the memories. i don't remember being at home with my mom when i was little. but i know that she stayed home with me...and she has so many memories of the fun we had. i love hearing the stories of how much she enjoyed being with me. and i love that one day i can tell him the same stories.

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