"I don't need to see everything...just more of You"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the best things about a bear (my husband!)

pay attention boys... if you've got a woman, she might like some of these!!

1. he picks up my shoes
2. we can have dinner at a fancy restaurant and eat slice-n-bake cookies at home, all in the same night
3. when i am sad, he takes me shopping
4. he still makes me mix cd's from time to time (you can't beat the mix cd...)
5. we can be in the same room, doing different things, and still feel like we are spending time together
6. he lets me steal the covers
7. he prays for me
8. he allows me to correct the grammar and spelling in his emails
9. he patiently answers all the "night questions"... on a nightly basis (ie: "honey, did you lock the doors? did you turn off the fireplace? are all the lights off? did you set the alarm? what's the heat set on?")
10. when i'm mad, he makes me laugh and i forget all about what i was mad about
11. he tells me when i am wrong
12. he tells me when i am right (note to self: be right more often!)
13. he likes it when i sing the morning song (if you're lucky, maybe you'll hear it someday... i have a song for everything)
14. he is as crazy about our pups as i am
15. he stays on his half of the bathroom countertop
16. he complains when my pager goes off
17. when we go to a mexican restaurant, he speaks to the waiter in spanish....with a japanese accent (embarrassing? yes. hilarious? double yes.)
18. he indulges my need to decorate, rearrange, redecorate, and rearrange
19. he actually said the other day, "all this scrapbooking stuff looks like it could really be fun!" (i promised i wouldn't tell, but i just can't help myself)
20. he gets along with my dad

these are just a few... i am a lucky girl.

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